Contoh surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa inggris

Contoh surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa inggris - Halo sobat, jumpa lagi di blog teropong pelajar. Nah pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris. Setiap orang pasti membutuhkan pekerjaan untuk mendapatkan penghasilan guna memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Dan diluar sana ada banyak sekali pekerjaan yang bisa diambil sesuai dengan minat dan kemampuan.

Poin penting yang harus dilakukan sebelum masuk di sebuah perusahaan atau tempat kerja adalah surat lamaran pekerjaan. Karena surat lamaran kerja adalah syarat untuk mendaftarkan diri ke sebuah instansi atau perusahaan. Nah pada penjelasan ini yang akan saya bagikan adalah surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris. Sebelum masuk ke contoh silahkan simak penjelasan mengenai surat lamaran kerja berikut (dalam bahasa inggris).

surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris

Part of the application letter (bagian-bagian surat)

1. Heading

The heading of an application letter contains street, city, post code, and date. Be sure to use a comma after the day of the month.

2. Inside address

The inside address is a name of the firm or company you are going to apply for slide. It has the same address you write in the envelope.

3. Salutation

The salutation are often made just under the inside address on the left side. The usual salutations are as follows:
  • Dear Sirs, : to firm a company
  • Dear Sir, : to man when you don't know his name
  • Dear Madam, : to woman if you don't know her name
  • Dear Mr. Adnan : to man if he is well know to you
  • Dear Ms. Winda : to a married or unmarried woman
  • Dear Mrs. Winda : to a married woman
  • Dear Miss Anna : to an unmarried woman

4. The body of letter

The body of an application letter contains the statement referring to the advertisement, describing your experience (if you have), describing you qualification and explaining why you apply for. Always remember that your statement should be clear and courteous to read.

5. Closing

The usual ending for an application letter is "your faithfully". It is the form that is most frequently used. In more personal letters, you used yours sincerely.

6. Signature
7. Applicant's Name
8. Enclosure (if any)

Setelah membaca dan memahami penjelasan di atas langsung saja kita ke contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris berikut ini.

Alicia Pearson
7921 21st ST. W.
Seattle, WA.

July 21th, 2017

Ms. Cassandra Wood
Editor in chief
Seattle times
1000 Denny Way
Seattle, Washington 98109

Dear Ms. Wood
I am writing to apply for a summer work-experience position at the Seattle Times. I read the Times as often as possible for its high-quality, original reporting and, given my enthusiasm, diligence, and editorial experience, I would provide a fresh perspective to the newspaper.

My time with publications such as the Husky Herald has given me valuable experience in print media. Having worked at the Herald as a copy editor, staff writer, section editor, managing editor, and now editor-in-chief, I have exposed myself to a variety of responsibilities and challenges. I understand the pressures of writing and editing under deadline, I can give and receive orders, I can write and edit articles in different tones, style, and genres, and I can work with and lead a group. Most important, I have learned that I enjoy working in a creative journalistic environment, in both and editing and a writing capacity. The two inform each other and, since I enjoy and practice both, I feel in a capable position to pursue them equally.

I Know I would both learn from and contribute to the Seattle Times as an intern. I would relish the opportunity to work for you this summer. Enclosed is a copy of my resume for your review. Thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yous,

Alicia Pearson

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Nah, demikianlah contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris, semoga dengan membaca dan memahami penjelasan dan contoh diatas dapat semakin menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan sobat mengenai application letter. Oke mungkin cukup sekian dulu pembahasan pada kesempatan kali ini, sekian dan terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat.

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